Review of TMNW in Fair Lady magazine

March 1, 2013
Magazine: Fair Lady
Reviewer: Elizabeth Atmore

If you ever feel that what you do doesn't really impact on others, The Murder of Norman Ware will set you straight. For the filthy rich residents of San la Mer 'eco-golfing-estate', there is no need to think of anyone else, unless they are making - or costing - you money. so even when respected resident Norman Ware is found murdered near the pool, it's pretty much business as usual for the remaining residents (a group that includes a harvester of body parts, a serial killer, a philandering plastic surgeon, and a recluse). Until Detective De Villiers starts poking around. 

Kendal's magic is twofold - her quirky, dark characterisation is superb, and the rollicking domino effect structure is the best I've come across in a long while. 

Review of TMNW in GQ

March 1, 2013
Magazine: GQ
Reviewer: Cayleigh Bright

A dark tale of suburban murder set in a residential golf estate on KZN's North Coast, this novel proves that the combination of wealth, death and drama make for a compelling story.

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A WHODUNNIT on steroids

January 16, 2013

Newspaper: The Witness
Reviewer: Stephanie Saville
Click here for original text

A WHODUNNIT on steroids, in The Murder of Norman Ware, Rosamund Kendal has created an ingenious plot with the cleverest of endings.

The book introduces the reader to the community and surrounds of San Le Mer, a luxurious golfing eco-estate on the North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal. As we meet those who live there and those who work there, we get a quick introduction to their lives.

But the well-maintained high security...

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Review: More than just a stethoscope

September 17, 2012

Publication: DE KAT, 1 September 2010

When three young women name a government hospital in rural KwaZulu-Natal as their choice for their internship, they expect to work hard. They expect to see shocking cases - KwaZulu-Natal is not called the Aids capital for nothing. And they expect minimum pay and very basic accommodation.

What they do not expect and are not at all prepared for is how this year will change the rest of their lives. Rosamund Kendal was a medical student who, after obtain...

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Review: The Angina Monologues (Afrikaans)

September 14, 2012

Publication: Rapport, 4 July 2010

Reviewer: Come Coetzee

Rosie Kendal, ‘n dokter, se eerste roman, The Karma Suture (2008), is vergelyk met ‘n soort mediese Bridget Jones’ Diary. Haar tweede, The Angina Monologues, is soos Bridget Jones gewis ook chick lit.

Die drie hoofkarakters is elkeen gemoeid met chick-goeters soos hoe seer mooi skoene kan druk (veral in ‘n 24 uur-skof in ongevalle) en troossjokolade eet tot verhoudings en loopbaan. Maar hierdie chick lit het spiere. Of ‘n ge...

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Review: The Angina Monologues

September 14, 2012

Publication: The Times, 31 May 2010

Reviewer: Caroline Fish

WHEN reading The Angina Monologues, about the ordeals and triumphs of three interns with different backgrounds facing the challenges of nursing in a rural hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, I didn’t know whether I was reading fiction or local newspapers.

Rachel comes from a wealthy Jewish family and a luxurious life of pedicures, spa treatments and shopping sprees.As a medical intern she finds herself in an environment of poverty, illness...

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